Choosing the cover of the end-of-year double issue can feel odd. No matter how tumultuous the news (and events in...
In a remarkable comeback Donald Trump was elected as America’s president for a second time. Six months before the vote...
Each December The Economist picks a country of the year. The winner is not the richest, happiest or most virtuous...
Our pages have been full of suffering in 2024. War has raged on three continents: the world watched Gaza, Lebanon...
It is the season for giving. Nearly two-fifths of Americans tell pollsters that they sign over more of their savings...
The average dairy cow in America produces 30 litres of milk a day; a cow in Africa, only 1.6. This...
A dOZEN YEARS ago Spain was a byword for economic failure. The country’s government and banks appeared to be locked...
After 13 years of civil war and a long period of stalemate, Syrian rebels swept into Damascus, bringing an end...
Donald Trump appointed Andrew Ferguson as the next chairman of the Federal Trade Commission, which will bring an end to...
This week our global cover examines Syria’s future after the fall of Bashar al-Assad. Now that the dictator has fled...